News & Blog Putting the Brakes on Runaway Gentrification in Atlanta November 10, 2017February 23, 2024Admin CityLab, Benjamin Powers, November 10, 2017 The BeltLine is making the neighborhoods in its path too expensive. Can a proposed inclusive…More DetailsPutting the Brakes on Runaway Gentrification in Atlanta
News & Blog Advocates: Data reveals signs that poor are being pushed out of Atlanta Beltline neighborhoods October 19, 2017February 23, 2024Admin Atlanta Journal Constitution Willoughby Mariano, October 19, 2017 A report from grassroots advocates the Housing Justice League shows evidence that the poor…More DetailsAdvocates: Data reveals signs that poor are being pushed out of Atlanta Beltline neighborhoods
News & Blog New Report Shows Gentrification and Displacement from BeltLine in Atlanta’s Historically Black Southside October 12, 2017February 23, 2024Admin Residents Fight for their Communities and Offer Solutions ATLANTA, October 12, 2017: The Atlanta BeltLine greenway development is displacing low…More DetailsNew Report Shows Gentrification and Displacement from BeltLine in Atlanta’s Historically Black Southside
News & Blog Unions and Worker Co-ops, Old Allies, Are Joining Forces Again September 5, 2017February 23, 2024Admin In the 1800s unions and cooperatives were part of the same movement. Today once again, unions are collaborating with cooperatives to save…More DetailsUnions and Worker Co-ops, Old Allies, Are Joining Forces Again
News & Blog Concern rising over property values following Atlanta Beltline July 26, 2017February 23, 2024Admin Research|Action is working with the Housing Justice League on a report about affordable housing around the Beltline in Atlanta, to be…More DetailsConcern rising over property values following Atlanta Beltline
News & Blog How the Atlanta Beltline broke its promise on affordable housing July 14, 2017February 23, 2024Admin NOTE: Research|Action has a report coming on this issue in a few months! Five years ago, the Lofts at Reynoldstown Crossing were…More DetailsHow the Atlanta Beltline broke its promise on affordable housing
News & Blog Research|Action Joins the New Economy Coalition June 26, 2017February 23, 2024Admin R|A is proud the join the New Economy Coalition. The New Economy Coalition (NEC) is a network of organizations imagining…More DetailsResearch|Action Joins the New Economy Coalition
News & Blog Panel at ECWD2017: Renewing the Alliance: Unions and Co-ops Fight for Worker Power in NY, Cincinnati, and Beyond June 9, 2017February 23, 2024Admin At the Eastern Conference for Workplace Democracy, held in New York City this weekend, there was a great panel on how…More DetailsPanel at ECWD2017: Renewing the Alliance: Unions and Co-ops Fight for Worker Power in NY, Cincinnati, and Beyond
News & Blog Research|Action Cooperative Launch! June 7, 2017February 23, 2024Admin We are happy to announce the launch of Research|Action, our worker-owned cooperative of seasoned professionals who champion research and popular…More DetailsResearch|Action Cooperative Launch!